вторник, 14 января 2020 г.


To quote from the CoffeeScript source:. The CoffeeScript compiler tries to make sure that all statements in the language can be used as expressions. Axed the unsatisfactory ino keyword, replacing it with of for object comprehensions. Comments are no longer passed through to the generated JavaScript. Note how because we are assigning the value of the comprehensions to a variable in the example above, CoffeeScript is collecting the result of each iteration into an array. meet node js peepcode

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The aint keyword has been replaced by isntwhich goes together a little smoother with is.

PeepCode Meet Node.js

You can browse the CoffeeScript 2. On non-Windows platforms, a. Multiple splats can now be used in function calls, arrays, and pattern matching.

This reference is structured so that it can be read from top to bottom, if you like. In CoffeeScript there remains only one type of variable. The function can then assemble these parts into an output string, providing custom string interpolation. The REPL now properly nods stacktraces, and stays alive through asynchronous exceptions.

If you know of another way to achieve static type checking with CoffeeScript, please create an issue and let us know. Expansion can be used peepcode retrieve elements from the end of an array without having to assign the rest of its values. Pattern matching is now allowed within comprehension variables.

Unlike for loops, array comprehensions are expressions, and can be returned and assigned.

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The official CoffeeScript extension is now. CoffeeScript 2 generates JavaScript that uses the latest, modern syntax.

You can then install CoffeeScript globally with npm: The arguments object is no longer automatically converted into an array. Like JavaScript and many other languages, CoffeeScript supports strings as delimited by the " or ' characters. Fixed an edge-case infinite loop in addImplicitParentheses. ;eepcode only one variant helps avoid confusing bugs that can arise from the subtle differences between the two forms.

Comprehensions replace and compile into for loops, with optional guard clauses and the value of the current array index.

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When performing a comprehension over an object, use inoinstead of inwhich helps us generate smaller, more efficient code at compile time. Although suppressed within this documentation for clarity, all CoffeeScript output except in files with import or export statements is wrapped in an anonymous function: The reverse also holds for not mete

Constructor functions that start with capital letters now include a safety check to make sure that the new instance of the object is returned. Note that the CoffeeScript compiler does not resolve modules ; writing an import or export statement in CoffeeScript will produce an import or export statement in the resulting output. Instead of compiling the CoffeeScript, just lex and parse it, and print out the parse tree.

This convention is now deprecated.

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While loops can now be used as expressions, in the same way that comprehensions can. Downwards range comprehensions are now safe again, and are optimized to straight for loops when created with integer endpoints.

In the end, it was decided that the onde was more valued. The coffee command now includes --interactivewhich launches an interactive CoffeeScript session, and --runwhich directly compiles and executes a script.

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Feel free to roll your own solution; you will have plenty of company. Heregexes extended regexes were added. Use in conjunction with --compile or --watch. CoffeeScript includes a very simple build system j to Make and Rake.

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